Products - SOZO

Product Positioning

Food products are designed and formulated to cater for the specific nutritional needs of each population target group.

All products are scientifically formulated for optimal bioavailability and efficiency with due consideration of the health status of the population target group.

All products are fortified to address micronutrient requirements and deficiencies.

The micronutrient formulations and premixes contain those micronutrients known to be absent or deficient in the diet of most people, especially in the diet of vulnerable population groups.

 This organic micronutrient formulation provides minerals and vitamins to address micronutrient deficiencies, promote physical and mental growth, assist with recovery, strengthen the immune system, and to provide for optimal growth and development especially in the vulnerable childhood years. All micronutrients components are known to enhance the immune system and are in organic (“whole food”[1]) form resulting in food products with high bioavailability and effectiveness, no adverse side effects, and friendly to the digestive system.

Our Optimal Health range of products contain Nutri-Caro-E ®, a patented micronutrient and immune support formulation. In addition to our micronutrient formulation, the unique and patented Nutri-Caro-E ® also contains a unique combination of natural plant derived carotenoids, full spectrum Vitamin E, plant squalene, co-enzyme Q10, lycopene, and other phytonutrients and phytosterols, all with of which provide numerous health benefits.

SOZO products do not contain any preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, or MSG. Where possible only plant derived, and organic ingredients are used. Products do not contain maltodextrin and are specifically formulated to be gut friendly.

All health and nutritional claims are verifiable and under constant peer review. 

[1] Whole foods are foods or nutrients that are as close to their natural forms as possible

Usage and Application of the Products.

Product Ranges & Application

These products contain Nutri-Caro-E ®, are formulated for specific population target groups and designed to target nutritional requirements and deficiencies, to provide for optimal health, to promote physical and mental growth and development especially in children, to strengthen the immune system, and for disease prevention and recovery. The Optimal Health range of products has numerous health and disease prevention properties.

These products are formulated for specific population target groups, for example early childhood development, pregnant women and diabetes The products are designed to target macro- and micronutrient requirements and deficiencies, as well as being sensitive to possible health considerations in the target groups. The products contain the micronutrients know to be absent or insufficient in the diets of the majority of people, especially in the more vulnerable population target groups. It targets deficiencies associated with malnutrition, promotes physical and mental growth and development especially in children, and strengthens the immune system.

These are food products designed to be affordable, nutritional, and easy to prepare.

Our patented malnutrition and nutritional formulations are available for the fortification of other food products, or as a micro-nutrient additive to other meals.
