What We Do - SOZO

Company Overview

Sozo Food is a specialist functional food research, development and manufacturing company targeting nutritional requirements and deficiencies typically associated with lifestyle, demanding environments, illness, poor dietary habits, poverty, inadequate nutrition and malnutrition. In addition to addressing nutritional requirements, our functional food products promote optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease.

The company develops, manufactures, and distributes scientifically researched functional food products for optimal nutrition, health promotion and disease prevention, and for immune support. The food products are highly effective in addressing and targeting malnutrition, nutrition deficiencies, optimal health, immune support, and assists with recovery after illness.

Research is done in conjunction with the Functional Food Research Unit at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT).

Beyond Nutrition – Our Science

Beyond Nutrition – Our Science

The Composition of the Formulations

All nutrients are in amino-acid complex form.  It comprises of a phytonutrient concentrate containing full spectrum carotenes (alpha, beta, other), full complex vitamin E (tocopherols, tocotrienols), other phytonutrients, as well as plant derived squalene and co-enzyme Q10, bovine colostrum, and beta glucan.

All products contain Nutri-Caro E, a patented functional food premix developed by the Functional Food Research Unit at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.  The formulation contains a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and plant derived phytonutrients to address both macro- and micronutrient deficiencies, promote physical growth and development, and to strengthen the immune system.  All components used are known to enhance the immune system.  The premix (Nutri-Caro E) differs from the typical fortification methods in that

  • all micronutrients are in an organic form which ensures high bio-availability,
  • contains plant derive squalene, full complex natural carotenes, full complex natural Vitamin E of which the majority is tocotrienols, coenzyme Q10, and a spectrum of other phytonutrients and phytosterols, all with unique health benefits over and above nutrition,

Select products contain bovine colostrum which provides numerous immune, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, metabolism, growth and tissue repair benefits,

Select products contain beta glucans which are potentially beneficial in the treatment of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.  Studies have shown that beta-glucans could reduce hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.

The use of and form of nutrients in their organic state and as present in all Sozo Food products provides up to five times the absorption and bioavailability when compared to other fortified food products in the market.  This combined with the phytonutrients in our products. is also the differentiator and what makes the Sozo products unique and highly effective.

Our method is fortifying food products with those macro- and micronutrients known to be absent or deficient in the diet of the majority of people, especially in the diet of vulnerable population groups.  Selection of nutrients is based on latest scientific research with all nutrients being in their natural organic state.  This is the state that nutrients typically would appear in whole and natural food.  The circumstances and health condition of the individual as part of our target population groups is also considered crucial in the design of the food products.  The use of nutrients in their organic state (amino acid chelates) ensures easy digestion, high bioavailability and high efficiency.  The unique plant derived phytonutrient extract further provides health benefits over and above nutrition.

  • The pre-mix contains 11 different carotenes with alpha- and beta- carotene as the major components with proven pro-vitamin A activity
  • In high concentrations alpha- and beta-carotene, unlike preformed Vitamin A, are not toxic and conversion to retinol depends on the Vitamin A status of the consumer
  • alpha- and beta- carotene are plant derived compounds shown to alleviate Vitamin A deficiency in school learners
  • The pre-mix contains 5 different forms of Vitamin E, namely alpha tocopherol as well as alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta – tocotrienol, and in a complex full spectrum form
  • The pre-mix also contains other phytonutrients and phytosterols such as lycopene, squalene and co-enzyme Q 10
  • The micronutrients iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, magnesium, and chromium are all amino acid complexes which improve bioavailability
  • No animal ingredients or preservatives are used in any of the food products and they are suitable for vegetarians

All Sozo Food products contain an average of 50% per single serving of the nutrient reference value (NRV) with an up to five times better absorption rate and bioavailability.


Nutrition as Focus Areas

Micronutrient deficiencies and requirements addressed include:

  • Iron deficiency – causing anaemia, which globally affects 1.6 billion people, and increases the risk of pregnancy anaemia, associated with 18& of maternal deaths
  • Vitamin A deficiency – prevalent in about 250 million pre-school children
  • Zinc deficiency – affects the immune system and kills 430 000 children annually
  • Iodine deficiency – thyroid related diseases, pregnancy complications including miscarriage, stillbirths, birth defects, under development and mental retardation of the child, retarded and impaired mental development and function in both the child and adult.
  • Micro-nutrient deficiencies – the primary cause for stunting and under development
  • Optimal nutrition – provides nutrition for optimal growth and development, and for optimal health and recovery

Further consequences of micronutrient deficiencies include growth stunting, anorexia, susceptibility to infections, behavioural changes and learning disabilities.

In addition, malnutrition is a grave contributor to diseases later in life such as diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases and cancer.

Sozo Products targets the following impacts of nutritional deficiencies or adequate nutrition:

  • Contains a plant extract concentrate (carotenes) with proven pro-vitamin A activity
  • Are extremely rich in antioxidants that are effective in preventing many age and stress related diseases
  • Addresses and aids growth and physical development in children allowing the child to reach optimal size and muscle mass
  • Aids mental and brain development in the long term, and helps with poor concentration
  • Directly impacts stunted growth and intellectual development during the first years of a child’s life
  • Addresses impairments in mental function and behavioral development
  • Aids recovery after illness, disease and surgery, strengthens the body’s immune system and increases the body’s ability to fight infections
  • Addresses the problems of fertility associated with malnutrition
  • Aids digestive and absorption problems due to malnutrition and nutritional deficiency
  • Products are formulated for high bio-availability - it is easily digestible and highly absorbable
  • Increases physical performance where it has been reduced due to insufficient nutrition
  • Helps with mood swings – malnutrition can be associated with depression and feeling tired and lethargic
  • Increases energy levels and reduces tiredness, fatigue and apathy
  • Helps to grow and maintain a healthy appetite
  • Aids the ability to perform normal tasks
  • Sozo Products comprises full spectrum complex members of the Vitamin E family (tocopherol & tocotrienol) with numerous health benefits
    • Neural protection - protects against risk of stroke,
    • Cardio vascular - reverse arterial and blood circulatory problem,
    • Anti-cancer - provides anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity,
    • assists with high cholesterol,
    • reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes
  • In addition, Sozo products contains plant squalene, co-enzyme Q10 and other phytonutrients, all with numerous health benefits.

Sozo Food products are suitable for children and adults with digestive and stomach conditions as well as people with allergy sensitivities.


Who is affected by Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies

It is clear from the function of micronutrients, that an adequate dietary intake of micronutrients is a prerequisite for good health. Micronutrient deficiencies are often a public health problem in many developing countries.  Children are usually the victims of these deficiencies and micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in the poor.  The following groups are prone to micronutrient deficiencies:

  • Infants and early childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Menses to menopause
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • Older people with low socio-economic status
  • Vegetarians
  • People with HIV/AIDS, or other immune compromised symptoms

People consuming a mono-cereal diet are known to have an inadequate macro- and micronutrient intake.  

The Unique Composition of the Sozo Food Products

  • All components are known to enhance the immune system
  • All components are in organic form which is the form that they appear naturally in foods
  • It is the only premix that contains 13 different carotenoids with alpha- and beta- carotene as the major components with proven pro-vitamin A activity
  • Alpha- and beta- carotene, unlike preformed vitamin A, are not toxic and conversion to retinol depends on the vitamin A status of the consumer
  • Alpha- and beta- carotene are natural compounds proven to alleviate Vitamin A deficiency in school learners
  • It is the only premix containing alpha-tocopherol and all four tocotrienol isomers namely alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta with numerous health and longevity benefits
  • It is the only commercial premix that contains phytosterols such as squalene and Co-enzyme Q 10
  • It is the only commercial food product that contains both beta glucan and bovine colostrum
  • All the compounds are of natural origin, virtually free of mercury, lead and arsenic.
  • The micronutrients iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, selenium and chromium are all amino acid complexes which have excellent bio-availability.
  • Products are specifically designed to address and reduce nutritional deficiencies
  • Products are specifically formulated to address health issues associated with poor lifestyle and diet.

The Application of the Premixes

All Sozo Food products contain an average of 50% per single serving of the nutrient reference value (NRV).  The use of and form of nutrients in organic amino acid chelate form provides up to five times the absorption and bioavailability when compared to other fortified food products.

  • Biscuits
  • Early childhood development food products
  • Instant Cereals for children, individuals, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly
  • Micro nutrient, high energy, high protein and fortified maize for general consumption
  • Specialty nutrition and supplementary shakes for pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Meal replacement and nutritional supplementary shakes
  • Recovery and optimal performance shakes
  • Soya minces
  • Supplements

Our Team

Andre Esterhuyzen

Andre Esterhuyzen

Managing Director, Product Research and Development

Contact : andre@sozofood.co.za

Corern Smith

Corern Smith

Sales and Marketing

Contact : corern@sozofood.co.za

Simon Nkalitshana

Simon Nkalitshana

Customer Liaison and Distribution

Contact : simon@sozofood.co.za

